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Street Racers is a racing game that lets you drive through all sorts of unconventional routes to finish before your opponent. Driving on rooftops, flying out of parking garages or using a playground slide as a ramp: it's all possible. I started this project to further diversify my skills and learn how racing games differ from other projects I've done so far, both from a programming and design aspect.



Platform: PC

Tools used: Unity, Blender, Photoshop, Bandlab, Audacity

Team size: 1

Project started: 09-12-2022

Learning goals: improve C# programming & racing track design


After having worked on Lumberjump for more than 3 years, I still have plenty of ideas that I continue to work on. At the same time however, I wanted to expand my skillset further by making a new 3D project. I had an idea for a city racing game in mind, and as such Street Racers was born.

Initially it started out as a rather generic racing game, but as I experimented more with the physics and new mechanics, I quickly started to push the level design to its limits by introducing ramps, halfpipes, speed boosts, powerups and many more features.


I then used the world design to immerse players into the city and hide shortcuts behind a facade of everyday objects. Walls of buildings can be used as halfpipes, a playground slide hidden between houses doubles as a ramp and even a rollercoaster can be driven on.

I've also designed an AI system which takes advantage of the shortcuts found in the game for its dynamic difficulty system, by using a finite state machine. Because of this, I was able to leave out the somewhat controversial rubberbanding system often seen in racers where opponents "cheat" by speeding up when behind.

While the project is still in an early stage, progress on it is already moving rapidly. I'm very happy with how the game is turning out so far, and excited to see where it will end up. There are still plenty of turns before the finish line, and I'll make sure to drift through them in the best way possible.

Take a look at one of the tracks:

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