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Stringfree Guitar is a music tool designed to help people with disabilities play music. Our client for this project was De Rijdende Popschool, a Dutch music school looking for an instrument that could be played by Randy who has cerebal palsy. He wanted to play guitar, but his impairments limited him from doing so and as such we were challenged with designing both software and hardware that would be accessible to him.


Platform: PC

Tools used: Unity, Ableton

Client: De Rijdende Popschool

Team size: 4

Project started: 10-09-2024

Project finished: 21-01-2025

Main roles: Lead programmer, UX designer

Stringfree Guitar was made as a semester-long school project, together with 3 other students. Our client for this project was De Rijdende Popschool, who asked us to come up with a digital prototype that would be accessible for a musician with cerebal palsy, a condition that severely restricts his movement abilities. He has a fascination for music but is unable to play a traditional guitar like he wishes to, which is why we were tasked to invent a new type of instrument that changes this.

The Stringfree Guitar required us to think of both software and hardware solutions. We started on developing the hardware, and came up with an easy-to-customize modular design that can easily be adapted to the needs of the user. This controller consists of a small wooden box with 5 buttons, as well as another box that has a large stick attached. I was responsible for making this controller work within our software, by making it register input that could then be used to perform actions.

From a software side, the tool consists of two different modes: the composing mode and the practice mode. The composing mode serves as a music editor, allowing the user to record multiple tracks using the controller and adjust settings such as the tracks BPM and length. Functionality for a metronome to help playing to the rhythm is also implemented. I was tasked with the programming behind this mode, as well as designing a lo-fi wireframe of its UI.

Practice mode is intended to help users get more comfortable with the instrument, by challenging them to a simple rhythm game where they play along to a song. The menu contains a wide range of instruments, songs and genres to choose from. I supervised and assisted in the technical implementation of this mode, as well as doing initial research into rhythm game design. I also assisted with integrating the controller into this mode, of which the design can be seen below:

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